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794 - Cast for Learning Concert; Video is Getting Shorter

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Sept 26, 2013.
#794 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,252 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2013 - Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando - 1,193 Registered Already!

1. WOW! Cast for Learning Concert - 4 Broadway Stars!
2. Video is Getting Shorter and Shorter.

1. WOW! Cast for Learning Concert - 4 Broadway Stars! We are delighted and thrilled to announce the Cast for our Learning 2013 Concert & Party, to be held on Tuesday night, November 5th.  This year, we reached out to 4 incredible, well-known and amazingly talented stars from Broadway and the world of music.  We are pleased to present our Learning 2013 Concert Cast:

* Adam Pascal (Rent, Chicago, Memphis)
* Telly Leung (Glee, Godspell, Allegiance)
* Eden Espinosa (Wicked, Brooklyn)
* Marcus Paul James (In The Heights, Rent)

We have woven together 4 incredible Broadway Stars - from top level musicals - for a special Concert and Party. They will rock you with songs and music that celebrate “learning”.

Participants and their families will be entertained by this group for 90 minutes. And, afterwards our DJ will continue the party, including introducing a new dance called “Personalize It”. Details and photos at

2. Video is Getting Shorter and Shorter! One conversation I keep having with learning colleagues is about the length of videos and the impact on learning attention. The length of videos used to be a predictable 60 minutes or 30 minutes. They mirrored the length of an hour or 1/2 hour television show. If you bought a video from a training vendor, it was normally 30 or 60 minutes.

Then, video started to shrink to 15 minute segments.

Then, as online video became more prominent in corporate learning, the length started to shrink to 5 to 8 minutes in duration.

In the last year, we are seeing more and more 3 minute or even shorter videos used. Some organizations are even playing with one minute micro-video.

Is it effective in smaller lengths? Almost no research is available at this time. But, we do know that users are staying around for shorter amounts of time - regardless of the length. In other words, they are starting a 25 minute video but often leaving after 3 or 4 minutes.

The learning world needs some operational and cognitive retention research on the impact of shorter and shorter videos!  The length is being shaped by our default assumptions of what is a good length and non-work video watching of a non-entertainment video is measured in minutes counted with one hand, often using just 2 or 3 fingers.

We need to develop better templates, models and evidence-based research on how to get the most knowledge, value and learning assistance from shorter and shorter videos. We need to remember that viewers of Netflix are often doing a 6 hour “marathon” stream of programs like “Orange is the New Black”. Video consumption - at home and at work - will be more and more personalized. Let’s get ready!

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013

twitter: @emasie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie