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Can Learning Go Massive?

TO: Corporate Learning, Training and Higher Education Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, Editor - Learning TRENDS
DATE: March 26, 2014
RE: Can Learning Go Massive?

Dear Colleague,

In just 7 days, we invite you to join a unique gathering of 75 global learning professionals exploring the future of truly “Massive” learning programs at:

MOOCs & Corporate Learning: Symposium and LAB.
April 2 to 4, 2014 – Saratoga Springs, NY.
Host & Curator: Elliott Masie.
Info: .

MOOCs are an experimental model, gaining traction, hype and innovation in Higher Education.  We will explore if a workplace can adapt the MOOC to offer a Massive, Open, Online Course (with Collaboration).

We are honored to have participants attending from Fortune 1000 companies, government agencies and countries like the U.S., Canada, Russia, Netherlands, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and others to consider these questions:

M is for MASSIVE: Can we scale learning activities to hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of workers?
O is for OPEN: Can we leverage and adapt Open content from TED, Universities and User-Created Sources?
O is for ONLINE: Can we design and structure Online Delivery, Community and Support for massive programs?
C is for ???: Does the C stand for Credit, Certification, Cost, Competency or Compliance?

I will lead this program and include perspectives from corporate MOOC implementers, technology platforms and Higher Education partners.

Although the event is only a week away, there are still a dozen spaces available.  Space is limited.

Details and online registration are available at

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
The MASIE Center & Learning CONSORTIUM