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819 - Fewer Commas, Mobile Movements, Sensible Sneakers

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 1, 2014.
#819 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,427 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: OJL - On The Job Learning LAB - April in Saratoga Springs.

1. Comma is Evaporating: Text & Twitter Reduce Comma Use.
2. Mobile Phone Micro Movements: Reacting to User Stress.
3. Sensible Shoes: Can Classroom Trainers Wear Colorful Sneakers?

1. Comma is Evaporating - Text & Twitter Reduce Comma Use: A recent study on writing and composition has revealed a major decline in the use of the commas. “Recent trends indicate a 48% decline in the use of commas in sentence construction. People are being influenced by the short nature of a text message or tweet - reducing sentence length and almost wiping out use of the comma.”

In addition, the Institute on Writing Construction has asked if the reduced use of commas would help or hurt the learning process for workers.  Often, a writer adds several subtle modifications to a sentence, each with a comma, raising complexity but perhaps hurting the comprehension level of a new learner.

The MASIE Center has agreed to participate in a study with the Institute on Writing Construction and will be monitoring and analyzing comma use in both formal writing and also peer-to-peer texting. Our hunch is that learners want shorter and less modified statements such as “Press the Blue Button” rather than “There are several options, including the blue button and other alternatives, open to you as a new user.”

2. Mobile Phone Micro Movements - Reacting to User Stress: Most of the new smartphones have a movement monitor that can sense micro movements of users as they read or watch a message or video.

This movement sensor was added originally to automatically align the screen shot with the way in which the mobile device was being held. However, new apps are emerging that will monitor your hand movements as you read a screen, watch a video or send a message. Decades of research has shown that as the users’ stress rises, their hands provide a “TELL”, indicating stress or dishonesty. Poker players have mastered watching for these movements in the hands of their competitors, which reveal a bad hand or really stupid bet.

Learning may become more adaptive and responsive as our authoring systems can tap into the real-time movements of each user, filtering any normal, everyday shaking caused by habits or disease. Imagine if a user with higher movements would get an automatic offer of assistance or even if the typeface would become larger when their micro movements increase. Learners may even learn to use micro movements as a request for more detail or assistance.

3. Sensible Shoes - Can Classroom Trainers Wear Colorful Sneakers? While many corporations have standards and even rules requiring business shoes for employees, we are mapping a recent change in how classroom teachers and trainers are dressing.

Colorful sneakers, when worn by a trainer, add several pluses to the classroom environment:

- Sensible shoes like sneakers encourage trainers to walk more in class, show more energy and reflect enthusiasm for their material.
- Learners enjoy and closely monitor the color choices for their trainers’ shoes. These add a sense of connection and humor to the classroom, which can be powerful, even when teaching difficult topics.
- Colorful sneakers are often ventilated to allow more air to pass over the trainer’s toes, which increases their energy and personal presence in the classroom.

There are difficult aspects, however. When wearing sneakers with orange, green and blue elements, coordination with the rest of your business attire can be challenging. For example:


Each year on April 1st in the United States, we celebrate April Fool’s Day with several “TRENDS” that may not be totally real, yet!  Hope you enjoyed these and have a great April 1st. Feel free to send me a note to

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2014

twitter: @emasie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Video & Learning LAB.
* On-The-Job Learning LAB.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie