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820 - LA by Train; Massive Collaboration; Mergers in Learning; Masie Sessions

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 11, 2014.
#820 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,434 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: OJL - On The Job Learning LAB - April in Saratoga Springs.

1. Heading to Los Angeles by Train!
2. Collaboration & Massive Together.
3. SkillSoft and KnowledgeAdvisors Acquired.
4. MASIE Center Sessions Announced.

1. Heading to Los Angeles by Train! Readers of TRENDS know that I have a fun interest in taking long distance train rides.  So, tomorrow (Saturday, April 12th), I will fly to Chicago and, at 3 PM, board the Amtrak Southwest Chief for a 2 1/2 day wonderful train ride to Los Angeles.  I get a small bedroom with great windows and for several days I enjoy the views of America as the train runs along the rails.  I would love to connect with any colleagues by either phone or a quick hello at the train stations during my journey across America.  If you are along the way, send me an email to - with a phone number - and we can connect along the way.  And, if you are in Chicago and want to meet for a few hours before my 3 pm trip, send a quick note. 

Why trains?  Well, I am not afraid of flying and, in fact, do hundreds of thousands of miles of air flights. But, there is a relaxing, stimulating and reflective process of experiencing a long rail journey with great views, interesting folks on board and a large sense of history out the windows.  I am on wireless most of the way and look up both GPS and local history to understand the sights I pass along the way.  Plus, it is a great way to do some reading and planning - and I am finalizing a big announcement in a few days about the keynoters and themes for Learning 2014.  So, wish me well and get in touch if you want to connect.  All aboard!

2. Collaboration & Massive Together: There were many learnings about the world of massive design and delivery during our recent MOOCs in Corporate Learning Symposium and Lab.  I wanted to share a “word cloud” done by the 70 global participants on our 3rd day, as they looked at the futures of MOOCs.  Note the size of the word “Collaboration”.

Word Map:

We are excited to announce the next edition of MOOCs & Corporate Learning.  It will be held in Saratoga Springs on July 9-11. Information and registration at

3. SkillSoft and KnowledgeAdvisors Acquired: In recent weeks, several learning and education companies have been acquired or merged.  Here are two announcements to follow and track:

* SkillSoft Acquired by Charterhouse Capital Partners for 2 Billion Dollars: -
* KnowledgeAdvisors Acquired by CEB for 52 Million Dollars:

Stay tuned for more mergers and buyouts in the ever-changing learning world.

4. MASIE Center Sessions Announced for Spring 2014:

Here is the list of new and continuing programs offered by The MASIE Center for Learning Professionals:

* On-The-Job Learning (OJL) LAB - By Bob Mosher & Conrad Gottfredson - April 23 to 25 (Saratoga Springs).
* Video and Learning LAB - By Elliott Masie - May 19 to 21 - (Saratoga Springs).
* Learning Directions Briefing - April 29th - Led by Elliott Masie - (Houston).
* Learning Directions Briefing - April 16th - Led by Elliott Masie - (San Jose).
* MOOCs & Corporate Learning: Symposium & Lab - July 9 to 11 - (Saratoga Springs).

Complete information and registration for all of these programs at

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2014

twitter: @emasie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Video & Learning LAB.
* On-The-Job Learning LAB.
* MOOCs & Corporate Learning.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie