827 - Drones and Learning; The LMS Forum; Down Under Learning Views

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 3, 2014.
#827 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,481 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2014 - Oct 26-29 - Orlando. 304 Registered Already.
1. Learning Conversations from Australia.
2. New: LMS & Learning Systems Forum Announced.
3. My First Drone: Learning Implications.
1. Learning Conversations from Australia: I have just delivered several keynotes and briefings in Melbourne and Brisbane with learning colleagues, business executives and educational leaders in the past few days. Here are a few key messages that I heard from my Australian learning leaders:
* Linking Higher Education Closer to Workforce Skill Needs.
* Radical Increase in the use of Desktop and Room Based Video Chat/Conferencing for Learning.
* Fewer Full Time Learning and Development Staff - More Learning in the Business Units.
* Intrigued with the “Massive” Letter in MOOCs - and Scaling Expertise to Learner Time.
* Need to Design Collaboration Design Models - Social Isn’t Collaboration Without Guidance.
* Desire for Learning “Apps” - For Devices, For Learners and for Trainers.
* Redesigning Classrooms into Experiential Labs.
Next week I will be working with the New Zealand Training & Development group in Auckland and then networking with learning colleagues in Dubai. Stay tuned.
2. New: LMS & Learning System Forum Announced: We are proud to announce a special forum at Learning 2014 to address the challenges and changes in LMS and Learning Systems:
New: The LMS & Learning Systems Forum at Learning 2014 - October 26 to 29th - Orlando.
Topics will include:
- The Changing Role of Learning Systems and LMS in the Workplace?
- Why Do Many Organizations View LMS as “Tired or Lazy”?
- Shrinking or Expanding the Role of the LMS?
- Can the LMS Deliver Personalized Learning?
- Adding Video and User Content to the LMS!
- Are LMS Apps Around the Corner?
- Pricing Shifts in LMS and Learning Systems?
- Leveraging Social & Collaborative Elements in a LMS!
- Learning Systems and Tin Can/Experience API?
- Alternatives to LMS and Learning Systems
These issues and topics will be discussed in a series of sessions and discussions at Learning 2014. Participants can attend all or just one of these activities. There will also be a Featured Panel for the LMS & Learning Systems Forum - providing changing perspectives from both Corporate Learning Leaders and LMS Providers. Info at: http://www.learning2014.com/blog/item/lms-learning-systems
3. My First Drone: Learning Implications! OK, you know that Elliott is a gadget experimenter. And, that now includes my first full high-def Drone. Two weeks ago, I received the new Phantom 2 Vision Plus Drone - with a gyroscopic Go Pro High Def Camera. I have been carefully flying my Drone several hundred feet in the air and pretty far afield. Tracking the movement on my iPhone and teaching myself Drone control has been fun. And, I can immediately see implications for learning and training. Imagine being able to provide an outdoor overhead shot of equipment or facilities. It cost about $1,300 and is quite an incredible piece of technology that is bringing up many new cultural and privacy issues. I was able to inspect the top of the chimney on my roof for the first time in 13 years. Here is the first video that I made of my Drone experiences!
Video of Elliott’s first drone flight in Saratoga Springs: http://vimeo.com/95605495
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2014
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* On The Job Learning LAB.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie