828 - Starbucks Learning Plan, Student from Afghanistan, Hidden Video Assets

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 16, 2014.
#828 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,494 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2014 - Oct 26-29 - Orlando. 374 Registered Already.
1. Starbucks Learning Announcement Today.
2. Hidden Video Assets: Digital Metal Cabinets.
3. Metra Mehran, Student from Afghanistan to Keynote Learning 2014.
4. Learning Perspectives from New Zealand and Dubai Visits.
1. Starbucks Learning Announcement Today: U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will join Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, Arizona State University President Michael Crow, and 350 New York area Starbucks employees and their families for a discussion regarding the unique role business can play in addressing the issue of college affordability and access at 10:45 a.m. in New York City. Schultz and Crow will announce an innovative approach and partnership between their organizations, called the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, to help employees complete their bachelor’s degree with full tuition reimbursement.
Duncan will address the challenges facing Americans who are eager to get a degree but are faced with the barriers of both escalating costs and challenging access and how public-private partnerships such as the Starbucks College Achievement Plan can be part of the solution, along with other programs across the country. Details at http://www.starbucks.com/careers/college-plan
2. Hidden Video Assets - Digital Metal Cabinets: Workers are using video more and more as knowledge and learning assets at work. However, finding all the good video that is already in use at the organization is an old problem in a new shape. Years ago, companies would have great reels of film and video cassettes, stored in metal cabinets around the enterprise. But, there was no way to know that a cool video was located 3 stories below your office. The same problem now exists with digital online video.
Few LMS or LCMS systems provide a full and continually updated library of video assets. As more and more video is harvested from User Content and leveraged from Open Source (e.g. TED videos), organizations are seeking ways to create the equivalent of an efficient Internal YouTube type system. Watch for add-ins to existing LMS and other learning systems in the next 2 years to provide this resource. But, other organizations are moving all of their video assets to cloud-based video management systems, such as Vimeo or Brightcove, with behind-the-firewall security. The metal cabinet challenge is here again – in digital form.
3. Metra Mehran, Student from Afghanistan, to Keynote Learning 2014: We are honored to announce an exciting keynote speaker at Learning 2014 – Metra Mehran, a college student from Afghanistan. Metra will be flying to Orlando in October with her mother to present a perspective about the role that digital education has played in her life, as it opened up the door to her furthering her education. Previously, access to education was often restricted for female students. Metra is an incredible case study of how a blended model of online learning has been a personal and societal game changer. Details at http://www.learning2014.com/blog/item/afghanistan-student
4. Learning Perspectives from New Zealand and Dubai Visits: I am writing this issue of TRENDS with a bit of jetlag after a wonderful 21 day trip to Dubai, Australia and New Zealand. Here are a few learning observations from my stops and discussions in New Zealand and Dubai:
New Zealand: Key issues that were shared with me by colleagues in New Zealand focused on mapping skills in workforce courses to changing competencies needed in the workplace. They were also quite focused on evolving the technical and blended nature of the classroom. Several learning officers raised the challenge of blending “Open” content from formats like MOOCs with traditional courses. In addition, learners are asking for shorter, more focused, more portable access to learning assets. Finally, shifting certifications were on the mind of several learning groups, including focus on more global certifications and global workforces. Thanks to the New Zealand Learning and Development group for hosting me in Auckland for a provocative morning dialogue.
Dubai: As always, Dubai is in constant change. One of the main topics of conversation was on the role of employment for Emirates natives and the recent decision to have all males, after high school, conscripted for a several month stint in the military. This will be a major culture shift with implications on future workforce culture. And, the country is quite excited about Expo 2020, a World’s Fair to be located there in 6 years. I will be returning to the Emirates in late November for a series of meetings and sessions that will focus on building a learning culture for a major event like Expo 2020.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2014
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* On The Job Learning LAB.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie