829 - Clinton Global Initiative and Learning

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 20, 2014.
#829 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,514 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2014 - Oct 26-29 - Orlando. 374 Registered Already.
1. Attending Clinton Global Initiative in Denver, Colorado.
2. Changing It Up: New Web Graphics!
1. Attending Clinton Global Initiative in Denver, Colorado: I am headed to Denver, Colorado for the Clinton Global Initiative gathering next week. President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton will host CGI America, an annual event focused on finding solutions that promote economic recovery in the United States.
This working meeting will bring together leaders from the business, foundation, NGO, and government sectors to develop solutions for economic growth, long-term competitiveness, and social mobility. Since the first meeting in 2011, CGI America participants have made more than 300 commitments valued at more than $15.3 billion when fully-funded and implemented. I am honored to represent The MASIE Center’s Learning CONSORTIUM at this effort of the Clinton Foundation. I will be joined there by Learning Officers from our members including Farmers Insurance, Walmart and others.
I will be collaborating in the The Workforce Development Working Group, which will promote competencies, credentials, and career ladders in key industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and the service sector. Participants will also discuss initiatives that target small and medium-size businesses that are lacking the resources to invest in their human capital.
We will have a special focus on “Tools for Delivering Training and Education Building”. A 21st century workforce will require innovative tools for delivering and recognizing skills. Participants will explore technologies to convey and assess skills development, partner with community colleges and other educational institutions to develop local talent pipelines, and use industry-recognized credentials and competencies to better align educational pathways to jobs and careers.
Last October, Secretary Clinton shared her perspectives about learning and eLearning at our Learning 2013 event:
“Expanding learning and developing a more skilled and productive workforce will better position you, your companies and, I believe, our country to succeed in a world that is increasingly interconnected and interdependent in a fast-moving global economy that rewards creativity, innovation and partnership. The “e”, I know as Elliott constantly reminds us, the “e” in eLearning is about more than electronics. It’s about learning for everyone, everywhere. It has to be effective and efficient. And, it has to constantly evolve!”
At next week’s Clinton Global Initiative, partnerships of corporations, educational institutions and non-profits will collaborate together to explore new innovations in the learning and workforce field.
I will be sharing daily briefings on the work of the Clinton Global Initiative via Learning TRENDS and also on Twitter @emasie If you would like to follow and add your perspectives, see http://www.cgiamerica.org/ Please feel free to send me ideas and questions to emasie@masie.com
2. Changing It Up: New Web Graphics! I am proud of the team at The MASIE Center that has created and produced a very different looking and content-rich site for Learning 2014. Please take a minute to check it out: http://www.learning2014.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2014
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie