830 - Badging for the Workplace, ASTD to Co-Host Learning 2014

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 30, 2014.
#830 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,519 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2014 - Oct 26-29 - Orlando. 407 Registered Already.
1. Badging for Workforce Development Explored!
2. Miss Matzoball Arrives in Saratoga Springs.
3. ASTD to Co-Host Learning 2014.
1. Badging and Workforce Development Pushed! I spent 3 intense days in Denver last week collaborating at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting, hosted by the Clinton Foundation and led by Bill and Hillary Clinton. There was a conversation in our group, which included myself and representatives of several of our Learning CONSORTIUM members, including Walmart, Cablevision and Farmers Insurance, that were quite provocative:
* Badging Growth: An alliance of groups are pushing the concept of a standard and “open” badging system so that a learner could be awarded and have a validated display of badges that reflect courses, skills or participation in activities from validated institutions. These would be quite diverse and it would really be up to the worker to decide which badges to collect/earn/assess – and how they would be shared on a job application or in other formats. The employers in the group were quite interested in a system that allows for the rating of the badge provider based on both history and form of assessment. In addition, there was interest in workers being able to earn badges from workforce learning offerings and/or workplace accomplishment. For example, a worker at a food establishment might earn a badge in both customer service and in fast handling, which would enhance their attractiveness to an employer in a retail setting. Of course, there are huge technological and HR issues to be worked through, but there was interest from a wide range of employers, educational institutions and workforce development groups.
The MASIE Center will be hosting a special event on Badging in the Workplace at Learning 2014 - www.learning2014.com
2. Miss Matzoball Arrives in Saratoga Springs: Learning TRENDS readers often ask about MASIE Stable Horses. With the start of the summer, Miss Matzoball, the first horse bred by MASIE Stable, just got to Saratoga Springs. She is 2 years and will start active pre-racing training this week. If you want a peek at Miss Matzoball, here is a short video of the filly: http://vimeo.com/99388863
Training a racehorse has so many connections to the world of learning in the workplace: Personalization, Routines, Repetition, Coaching, Competition, Nutrition and Design - and Health. Stay tuned for her progress.
3. ASTD to Co-Host Learning 2014: We are honored to announce that ASTD (rebranding to ATD) will once again be the co-host of Learning 2014. They are assembling a special Bookstore with learning resources, research and assets for Learning 2014 participants. Details on the event are at http://www.learning2014.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2014
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie