837 - Learning Interruptus; 30 Under 30; Miss Matozball

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 13, 2014.
#837 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,593 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2014 - Oct 26-29 - Orlando. 729 Registered Already.
1. Learning Interruptus?
2. 30 Under 30 Learning Leaders Announced.
3. Miss Matzoball Runs Tomorrow.
1. Learning Interruptus? This is a strange title to an article about a growing phenomenon in the world of digital learning. Learners start videos, begin eLearning modules, enroll in multi-segment MOOCs - and they don’t continue or complete them. Often I start a video, pause to take a phone call, and never remember to return and complete. There are multiple types of Learning Interruptus modes. Some are intentional departures and some are pauses that never lead to return or completion. I have just written an article about the growing trend of Learning Interruptus, along with some interventions that learning producers and learning technology can use to assist learners. Check out “Learning Interruptus” at http://tinyurl.com/learninginterruptus
2. 30 Under 30 Learning Leaders Announced: We are pleased to announce the selection of The Learning 2014 30 Under 30 group of rising learning leaders. This diverse, global set of learning professionals under the age of 30 will be featured, highlighted and a key part of our Learning 2014 activities - including serving as mentors and facilitators. Check out their profiles and backgrounds at: http://www.learning2014.com/index.php/item/30-under-30-selected.html
3. Miss Matzoball Runs Tomorrow: Learning TRENDS readers may know that MASIE Stables has some thoroughbred race horses. Tomorrow, the first one that we bred ourselves, Miss Matzoball, has her first race ever at Saratoga Racetrack. As a learning professional, this first race is interesting. While she has been in training for many months and has exercised at different speeds and configurations with her great trainer Roy Lerman, tomorrow will be her first experience racing for a 1/2 mile with 9 other top level horses at high speed and competition. So, as owners, we set our expectations in the learning zone. May she have a fun face, come out healthy and learn much in the process (notice I am not predicting any specific level of race results). If you want to watch live, she is running at about 2:30 in Race 5 with Joe Bravo as the jockey. You can follow the race or even listen live at: http://www.nyra.com Wish her good luck as a learner.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie