838 - Throwable Microphones, Internal Google Ads, Publishing Skills for Leaders

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 18, 2014.
#838 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,614 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2014 - Oct 26-29 - Orlando. 793 Registered Already.
1. A Throwable Soft Microphone?
2. Google/Yahoo-Like Ads for Workplace Learning Push.
3. Publishing Skills for Leadership Development.
1. A Throwable Soft Microphone? My “cool” technology of the month just arrived at The MASIE Center. Imagine a soft, throwable pillow - with a high definition microphone inside - to be tossed to a participant at a large meeting as an alternative to the “mike on a stand” model. It was developed at a University in Finland and is both useful and playful. I did a quick video of the Catchbox in action - http://tinyurl.com/catchbox
2. Google/Yahoo-Like Ads for Workplace Learning Push: It is time for organizations to leverage the idea of Google/Yahoo/Bing/Facebook-like ads internally to “push” knowledge and learning segment notices to workers based on both their current browsing actions and performance objectives. Here are some examples:
* A worker is searching online for leadership development. While the search engine will display external references or ads for 3rd party videos, why not push internal video segments - perhaps on the sidebar.
* When a worker asks a key question in a browser, why not display the names and contacts for several internal Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) that they can contact?
* Periodically, ads for content linked to follow-up actions from their latest Performance Review would appear on the side or embedded within core content.
* Using “ads” to increase the role of internal social networks for collaboration and mentoring. “Elliott, ask Sarah about her experience with this project last year.”
Implementing this will require work with IT, corporate communications and even Knowledge Management groups. But, the power of “ads” to provide visibility for internal learning assets, resources and programs is key.
3. Publishing Skills for Leadership Development: One skill that needs to be added to the Leadership Development curriculum within organizations is Publishing. Increasingly, rising leaders must develop/hone/improve their publishing skills in many ways, including these two:
* Video Blogging: A leader takes a trip to South Africa to work with colleagues and clients. How can he/she use a mobile device to create a report to team members, sharing the insights and experiences from this trip?
* Article Publishing: What are effective ways to write articles for the team that reflect perspectives and approaches from the leader’s point of view?
Increasingly, leaders are managing distributed teams and global opportunities. Publishing skills can be developed with models, practice, feedback and targeted leadership development. Try it! It works!
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
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