907 - Question of the Week Model, Philippines Visit, Great Microphones

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Feb 13, 2016.
#907 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
57,211 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Assessment, Evaluation & Research LAB - April in Saratoga Springs.
1. Question of the Week: Employee as Learner!
2. Elliott Masie to Philippines This Week.
3. Microphone Adds Audio Fidelity.
1. Question of the Week: Employee as Learner! What if an employee created a Question of the Week? I can imagine working in an organization where each colleague crafted and publicized a personal Question of the Week. Here might be a few examples of Questions of the Week:
- What are faster ways to get our procurement requests approved at HQ?
- How are the sales of our new product line going, compared to our competition?
- Can I modify my customer profile searches to get more focused results?
- What are the next steps in qualifying for advanced certification?
- Anyone have suggestions that would help me raise my performance review ratings for delegation effectiveness?
One of the best forces to spike the learning culture in a workplace is to create, float and honor questions from colleagues. Questions of the Week might create a culture shift that would honor the curiosity of each colleague and empower conversations around individual and common queries.
I used this technique in a Leadership Development program that I hosted a few years ago. We actually created a Question of the Day model and each participant wore a new nametag with their daily curiosity. About 30% of the conversations during the breaks hovered around these questions. Imagine how our Questions of the Week might become viral with corporate social networks.
Can you do me a favor and send a note with an example of your Question of the Week? Send it confidentially to emasie@masie.com
2. Elliott Masie to Philippines This Week: On Monday morning, I will be flying from New York to Manila, Philippines for a 9 day visit with learning, corporate and theater colleagues.
First, I will be giving a keynote at the Learning Summit in Manila to workplace and learning colleagues. Details at: http://www.goalonlinelearning.org/learningsummit2016/
Next, I am excited to meet with fellow learning colleagues and readers of Learning TRENDS. If you could meet for a drink and conversation in Manila on Friday, Feb 19th, please send me an email to emasie@masie.com
While in Manila, I will be meeting with theater producers and organizers to explore the opportunity to bring our Broadway Show to Manila in 2017.
I am very excited to visit and collaborate with my colleagues in the Philippines. It is one of the most active developers and innovators in the world of learning (and theater). Stay tuned for a video report during my trip.
3. Microphone Adds Audio Fidelity: As we use video chat, Skype and webinar formats to collaborate with our colleagues over distance, it is interesting to look at the fidelity of our audio.
Way too often, the microphone we use is a small, internal and non-adjustable mini-device in our laptops or desktops. Sometimes the hole above the internal microphone is on the side or even back of the screen.
There are several USB microphones that we have been using at The MASIE Center LAB that cost approximately $99. The Neat Widget Desktop USB Microphone is awesome and also very cool looking. It reminds me of the microphone used on older TV or radio shows. And, it has multiple audio inputs that can be adjusted to make your audio capture perfect, for a sole voice or a group conversation.
Check it out at: http://www.amazon.com/NEAT-Widget-Desktop-USB-Microphone/dp/B015NBV3JM
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2016
Email: emasie@masie.com
Twitter: emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Learning Innovations LAB - May 17-19, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Assessment, Evaluation & Evidence LAB - April 5 to 7, Saratoga Springs, NY
- Learning Systems: LMS, LCMS, Social & More! - April 27 and 28, Chicago, IL.
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
- Learning 2016 - October 23 to 26 - Orlando, Florida.
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com