914 - Anatomy of 2 Keynotes, 10 Minute Learning Systems Survey

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 21, 2016.
#914 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
57,249 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning Systems: LMS, LCSM, Social & More - April 27 and 28 - Chicago.
1. Learning Systems: 10 Minute Survey!
2. Anatomy of 2 Elliott Keynotes - Design Process.
1. Learning Systems - 10 Minute Survey: Each year, Learning TRENDS conducts a quick survey on how Learning Systems (LMS, LCMS, Social and More) are used (currently and plans for the future) in organizations. Would you please take 10 minutes to respond to our 2016 Learning Systems survey? We will publish a summary of the results in the next few weeks in Learning TRENDS. Just go to: http://www.masie.com/LSSurvey16
2. Anatomy of 2 Elliott Keynotes - Design Process: I just finished the second keynote that I have done for a major group in the past week (with 2 different trips to Florida). Folks have asked that I share an occasional perspective into the design and delivery process. Both of these keynotes were on learning trends and futures. One was for a group of 350 faculty and the other was for 25 learning managers at energy and industrial companies. Here is how the design was different:
Florida International University Online Conference: This was a gathering of hundreds of faculty who are teaching primarily online courses to students in Florida. The goal of my keynote was to be a “disrupter” looking at the differences in traditional, online, and hybrid teaching methods. My speech was right after a big lunch and I had to energize and stimulate the faculty to explore shifts in their teaching style. I designed my session to be a Stand Up/Mingle/Converse hour-long experience. Rather than lecture, I gave them key questions to explore with each other. For example, “How do YOU use search as a tool for your own learning?” And, they were asked to stand up, find 3 new colleagues, and chat about Search. The design had them interacting with each other in short stints (usually 4 minutes) with me adding or stretching their findings. Sometimes they would talk to the person sitting next to them, sometimes stand up, and other times think and write a few notes to a question. The design of the keynote was to ENGAGE the 350 folks with my content slipped into the interactions.
RedVector Conference: The design of my keynote that I just finished was to have a participant question and answer dialogue. After giving a 12 minute overview of some key learning trends (memorization decrease, personalization, compliance growth), we shifted to open questions from the senior learning managers who were sitting around a U-Shaped table. Quickly, their questions and realities shaped the dialogue. While I had content that I wanted to introduce (Role of VR for Learning, High Hazard Safety Issues, and Learning Feedback), the design shifted the control to the participants questions. Based on my conversations at breakfast before the 8:45 am keynote, I sensed that they were an experienced and ripe group to drive the dialogue.
Both designs “worked” - based on feedback from participants, reactions of hosts, and the energy in the rooms. Keynotes are often more about the PROCESS than the CONTENT. It is interesting to approach each keynote with an open design model and shape the delivery, interactions, and focus based on both the host’s desires and reactions from the audience. The only thing that was the same in the 2 keynotes was wearing my bright red sports jacket.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Email: emasie@masie.com
Twitter: emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Learning Systems: LMS, LCMS, Social & More! - April 27 and 28, Chicago, IL.
- Learning Directions Briefings: June in New York, Los Angeles, Seattle and Chicago.
- Learning Innovations LAB - July 12-14, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
- Learning 2016 - October 23 to 26 - Orlando, Florida.
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com