918 - LinkedIn to Microsoft; Curation Skills for Newbies; 360 Video

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 13, 2016.
#918 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
57,269 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2016 - Oct 23-26 in Orlando - www.learning2016.com
1. Wow! Microsoft Buys LinkedIn for $26 Billion - Talent/Learning Impacts?
2. Curation Skills for New Employees!
3. Experiments with Ricoh Theta 360 Camera.
4. Learning 2016 Updates!
1. Wow! Microsoft Buys LinkedIn for $26 Billion - Talent/Learning Impacts? When the news came across my mobile phone about LinkedIn being purchased by Microsoft for $26 Billion, I smiled.
This purchase combines the shifting focus of Microsoft to Cloud and Enterprise Capacity with LinkedIn’s Talent, Connection and Opportunity Capacity. Microsoft has been focused on the threat that Salesforce poses. And, LinkedIn provides a deep link to the “Connection” and “Opportunity” slice of organizational technology.
In recent years, LinkedIn has expanded into the Learning and Talent spaces, with the purchase of lynda.com and a new version of the Recruiter system.
It will be intriguing to watch the impact that this purchase has on the Learning and Talent marketplaces. Check out the video of their 2 CEO’s talking about this news: http://tinyurl.com/zo3b7r9
2. Curation Skills for New Employees! Let me add a target skill for the on-boarding of new employees: CURATION. Increasingly, our new employees are coming into enterprises with an avalanche of information resources, social networks, formal learning content and workflow performance resources. But, how do they Curate these resources to make wise and strategic choices about what to access with what impact?
Organizations are starting to include “Curation” skills, tools and tips for new hires, to sort their way through the organizational content. Some are adding Curation elements to their Content Management Systems. Others are leveraging open source tools to help learners curate.
I would urge new employees to match on-boarding teammates with experienced colleagues as “curation” models or mentors. Give practical examples of how learners handle the flow and which tools, recommendations or ratings can help them prioritize agile access to the content they need at their moments of need.
3. Experiments with Ricoh Theta 360 Camera: We are having a blast in the MASIE Center’s VRLearn Lab experimenting with a new 360 Camera from Ricoh. The Theta 360 camera has 2 cameras for a total surround view. It weighs just a few ounces and can sync up to either a smartphone or computer. We purchased ours for $349 and are experimenting with the ability to easily create a video that the user can direct with their touch or through a VR goggle. Here are 2 video samples of this kind of camera capture:
* Demonstration of the Ricoh 360 Camera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsrXPXhGZIg
* Touch and Shift of 360 Image: https://theta360.com/spheres/samples/5bdbf9f8-3a15-11e4-bf19-52540092ec69-1
* Touch and Shift of Video 360 Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXfRyx3fJ7s&list=PLUNwoq62t78JymaviIPbL4ZkvK8gpRXcw&index=13
For more information on this equipment: https://theta360.com/en/about/theta/s.html
4. Learning 2016 Updates! Registration is building for our Learning 2016 event to be held in Orlando from Oct 23 to 26. Here are a few of the updates:
- Learn-A-Thon Apps to Be Built. Each participant will have a unique opportunity to sketch out a cool “Learning App” to solve a learning challenge. Several will be “coded” overnight.
- 30 Under 30 Program is Filling. If you have a learning colleague under the age of 30 this year, ask them to check out our 30 Under 30 Program.
- Learning Systems Forum! Our LMS, LCMS and other Learning Systems are in a state of change and shift. We have added a Forum to benchmark and prep for the future of Learning Systems.
- Retreats and Delegations: There are over 30 companies coming to Learning 2016 as groups, some with several dozen learning professionals for retreats. And, we will have delegations from Europe, South America, Asia and other parts of the globe.
There are over 576 colleagues registered for Learning 2016. For Early Discounts and more information, go to: http://www.learning2016.com
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie
Email: emasie@masie.com
Twitter: emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Learning Innovations LAB - July 12-14, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
- Learning 2016 - October 23 to 26 - Orlando, Florida.
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com