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94 - Season's Greetings

(Season's Greetings from Saratoga Springs, NY)

Dear TechLearn Reader,

This is our holiday card from the staff at The MASIE Center. Over the past 12 months, TechLearn Trends has grown to a readership of over 22,000 colleagues in the learning, training and technology field. We want to take an few moments to thank for your support and to wish you all a happy and nhealthy holiday season.

Technology and Learning are at a most interesting place in our rapidly changing world. Educators are looking to technology to provide better ways of delivering learning on a global basis. Technologists are looking towards learning as a critical aspect of yielding productivity and the ultimate promise of computers in our workplaces and lives.

This year at The MASIE Center we have been working at the intersection of these two powerful forces. Trends has been a powerful experiment in changing the model for the delivery of news. My assumption was that people would value a frequent, short targeted scan of learning and technology, written with a personal touch. Every day we get dozens of emails from our friends out there it the world, feeding quotes, practiices and new models. Thanks for your support. In the coming year, TechLearn Trends will grow in several ways, including a web version, deeply interactive surveys and some new models of searching archives. We will also add a Career Corner feature to help with managing our futures in a changing world.

TechLearn '98 was also an experiment in using new models fo learning and technology. 1,767 of you were able to come to Orlando and participate in a high energy, deeply collaborative event. We showed that a conference could be large and intimate, cutting edge and not have a traditional trade show. You will love TechLearn '99. We have an exciting announcement about our keynote speakers that we will release at the start of next year. Over 545 people have already registered for next year's event.

Cathy Masie and I were pleased to be able to donate over $50,000 of the Center's revenues this year to three projects that are close to this topics. Our prime project is the Starbright Foundation, linking kids in hospitals thorugh innovative uses of technology. In addition, we are continuing our support of the exciting American Technology Honor Society. Finally, we have brought our local libaray into the information age by donating a T-1 line for the community's use.

In the months ahead, The MASIE Center will take on several new projects. We have already started a project to link doctorate students to corporations to help create the much needed targeted research in our field. On March 17th, plan on attending a FREE conference for a change. There will be over 400 sites hosting one day, free, regional conferences focusing on learning, technology and reinventing training. We will link these meetings via satellite and the internet and end the day with a great St. Patrick's Day party for our industry.

We look forward to working with you in 1999. May the holiday season be a time of joy, reflection, good health and learning for you and your families.

Warmest regards,

Elliott Masie and the Staff of The MASIE Center


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