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666 - Move HQ to China for a Month?; Video for Pre-Work Alternative

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 7, 2011.
#666 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,299 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2011 - Nov 7 to 9, in Orlando, FL.

1. Shifting HQ: Starwood Hotels Moves Executive Team to China for a Month.
2. Peters, Blanchard & Gergen Clips for Leadership Development Prep.
3. Video for Learning LAB & Seminar - July in Saratoga Springs.

1. Starwood Hotels Moves Executive Team to China for a Month: Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide is taking its commitment to growth in China seriously. The company will move its senior leadership team to Shanghai for one month. From June 8 through July 11, Starwood president and CEO Frits van Paasschen and seven of the company’s top executives will conduct business on a 12-hour time difference with their headquarters in White Plains, New York.

“With properties in nearly 100 countries, Starwood is no longer an American company that happens to run some hotels overseas. Today, we’re a global company that happens to be based in New York,” said van Paasschen in a statement. “Eighty percent of our future pipeline is outside of North America, and nowhere is more emblematic of our global growth than China, where we will open one hotel every two weeks this year.” Starwood currently has more than 70 hotels in China and another 90 properties in the pipeline. 

More than 20 Starwood executives from the U.S. and international locations will join the leadership team throughout the course of the relocation. The group will delve into Starwood’s extensive business in China, meeting with local customers, partners and developers, while also touring new properties throughout the country. Starwood intends to implement a month-long global relocation annually. Its next high-growth target markets include Brazil, the United Arab Emirates and India. “It is not just language that gets lost in translation, but also cultural nuances. The companies that will break away in an increasingly global world will be those that are most globally fluent,” said van Paasschen.

2. Peters, Blanchard & Gergen Clips for Leadership Development Prep: Pre-work for a Leadership Development event is always a tricky design decision. Do you send the participants a stack of reading only to have 20% of participants read the material? So, we are experimenting with a different model for next week’s LeadershipDev 2011 event in Las Vegas. Last week, I went to Ken Blanchard, Tom Peters and David Gergen (Kennedy School @ Harvard) and did 1/2 hour video interviews on the changing nature of the Leadership Development field. We then took 3 minute clips of these interviews, along with a 7 minute “welcome to the event” video by me - and sent it out to participants. If you would like to take a look at this approach to “pre-event communication”, go to

3. Video for Learning LAB & Seminar - July in Saratoga Springs: Our most popular course at The MASIE Center, will be offered again this summer:

Video for Learning LAB & Seminar - July 18 to 20th. This is a comprehensive and hands-on learning experience about the evolving role for video in learning. We address stories, short content, live to telepresence and hybrid models. Space is limited and each participant receives a high definition camera for their use back at the workplace. Info and registration at

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* LeadershipDev 2011 - June 14 & 15 - Las Vegas, NV.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar - July 18 - 20 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Learning 2011 - Nov 6 to 9, 2011 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: