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800 - 800th Learning Trends; Learning Personalization Requests Grow

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - October 22, 2013.
#800 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,293 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2013 - Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando - 1,551 Registered Already!

1. 800th Edition of Learning TRENDS Today!
2. Learning Personalization Self-Confidence Rises.
3. Last Minute Registration Open Now!

1. 800th Edition of Learning TRENDS Today! I just noticed that Learning TRENDS has hit the 800th edition mark. So, I went to our archives and saw that the first TRENDS was sent on Nov 19, 1997. I had just finished one of our TechLearn Conferences and thought that it would be fun to have an occasional email digest that was sent to a few hundred colleagues. TRENDS became (and continues to be) a professional and personal digest from Elliott Masie and The MASIE Center. And, it grew. We now have 56,293 email recipients - some being recirculated to thousands of additional colleagues. I made several design decisions along the way, including keeping it a simple (non-HTML) email to get through most corporate email firewalls, not selling ads or branded titles and never circulating the mail list to any other organization.  TRENDS is my way of communicating about a range of topics, including learning, training, performance and, on a personal side, my Broadway Productions.  If you would like to see archived Learning TRENDS from 1997 go to:

2. Learning Personalization Self-Confidence Rises: I have been tracking shifts in how learners talk about their expectations as workplace learners.  In the past 24 months, we have seen a noticeable increase in learners desiring and selecting (or demanding) greater personalization in their learning choices. These phrases are spoken often by learners:

* Do you have a SHORT video on that topic?
* Can I take that program remotely rather than travel to the class?
* Is there a digital version of that Learning Manual that can be used on my tablet?
* If I can pass the test, do I have to take the compliance program again?
* Can I see ratings by other employees on each of those courses so that I can choose the best one?
* Is there a simulation where I can practice my new skills?
* What is the name of a worker who is an expert in this new topic that I can use for support?

Learning Personalization is following the rise of people’s increased use of personalization in how they consume content at home - from media and other sources. The shift is being felt at work in a clear and growing pattern.

3. Last Minute Registration Open Now! In the world of ever-changing business cycles, learning colleagues often have to make their conference attendance plans later and later.

As of today, we have 1,551 colleagues registered for Learning 2013, which will start the evening of Sunday, November 3rd.  Yet, there are over a hundred additional participants that will register for Learning 2013 in the next two weeks. This year, we have made Last Minute Registration as simple and friendly as possible.  There is a discount rate for registering online before coming to the event.  And, we have reduced the cancellation rate to just $100 since we know that corporate plans can suddenly change.

We are holding a block of discount rate rooms at the Coronado Springs Hotel and are even adjusting our food orders daily, based on last minute registrations.

We look forward to seeing you at Learning 2013, whether you registered on January 5th or will make a Last Minute Registration in the next two weeks.  See you in Orlando!  Details at:

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013

twitter: @emasie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie