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928 - School Supplies Habit, Labor Day: Work and Rest

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - September 5, 2016.
#928 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
57,507 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2016, Oct 23 to 26, Orlando - 1,014 Colleagues Registered 

1. Back to School Habits: Getting My Supplies.
2. Labor Day - Honoring Work and Rest (Plus a Poem)
3. Twitter Masie Feed: @emasie
4. Flying to London for Learning Live Keynote. 

1. Back to School Habits - Getting My Supplies: I loved Labor Day when I was a kid.  It meant that school was starting and I would get to buy some more school supplies. 

Yes, I was a nerd and passionate learner as a student.  And, while the summer was always fun, Labor Day meant that school was about to begin in two more days. So, I begged my mom to take me to the store to get some fresh school supplies. 

We didn’t have a lot of money, but I was pampered with a few small purchases each year.  It might be a new compass or protractor (do you know what a protractor is?).  And, each year I got a small box of loose leaf hole reinforcements. These were small round circles to stick over the holes on my loose leaf notepaper so that it would not tear in the binder. 

Finally, I could buy a small new notebook, to use as a project book or to keep my thoughts during the coming year. 

Once I had my school supplies, I was locked and loaded for a fresh year at school.  And, to be totally honest, I still look for new school supplies as Labor Day approaches.  My office has a gaggle of notebooks and small pads, and a fine looking protractor. 

Sometimes, our artifacts of learning are critical to enforcing our mental framework for being a deep learner again. 

2. Labor Day - Honoring Work and Rest! And, Labor Day is also a powerful date, as it celebrates the importance and dignity of work and workers.  Each Labor Day I think of the vast number of jobs, skills and competencies that exist around the world - enabling people to have work that supports them and their families. 

Our field of Learning and Training plays a key role in supporting the dignity of work.  Learning professionals around the world design skill building programs, while teaching and coaching employees to master new skills and information sets. 

And, Labor Day is also a time to honor the need for workers to have a day off from the tasks of work.  

So, here is a poem for kids (and adults) about Labor Day: 

“Labor Day” by Lilly Puta 

People Work! People Play!
That’s why we have Labor Day!
Plumbers, bakers, painters, vets.
Fishermen with giant nets.
Firefighters, engineers,
Barbers snipping with their shears.
Teachers, waiters, nurses, cooks,
Authors writing thrilling books.
Carpenters and deputies,
People who take care of bees.
No matter what it is you do,
There’s one thing that’s always true.
Every worker needs to rest.
I hope your Labor Day’s the best! 

Happy Labor Day to All! 

3. Twitter Masie Feed: @emasie - I have been using Twitter for short, daily updates.  Check it out at @emasie 

4. Flying to London for Learning Live Keynote. I am heading over to London tomorrow to deliver a Keynote at the Learning Live conference.  Details: 

Yours in Learning, 

Elliott Masie 

Twitter: emasie

 MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:

- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
- Learning 2016 - October 23 to 26 - Orlando, Florida. 

Info and Registration: