996 - Learning Styles Assessments? Branding the Process, Not the Tech! New Curation LAB

Elliott Masie’s Learning TRENDS - April 13, 2018.
#996 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology Since 1997.
57,931 Readers - www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2018 - Nov 4 to 7 - Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL
1. Learning Styles? Measurable? Predictive? Myths?
2. Branding Learning vs. Using Technology Name!
3. New Curation & Learning LAB
1. Learning Styles? Measurable? Predictive? Myths? At least once a week, I find myself in a conversation about the use of a learner’s learning style - to improve, personalize or change their mastery or performance.
And, every month I find myself in a discussion about the ability of a Learning Management System or some future Machine Learning/AI system to accurately determine an employee’s learning style and reformat the content appropriately.
This is an intriguing and touchy topic. As a learning designer and teacher, I am always thinking about the way in which learners might desire, choose or reject content or activities - based on their preferences. And, it might be powerful if we could effectively measure a worker’s style and use that to format and target their learning offerings.
But, is there a reliable and accurate tool, measure or assessment that would really help the learner, the designer and the employer in optimizing educational outcomes?
Here is an article that was just published that asks, “Are Learning Styles Real?” https://tinyurl.com/y8bjb6by
It will be an on-going conversation, as we explore the roles of Big and Small Learning Data, Machine Learning Pattern Analysis and the various dimensions of Content Curation and Recommendation.
On a personal level, I believe that my own learning styles are both situational and contextual. Is my learning driven by curiosity, immediate requirements, confusion or other factors? Am I adding knowledge to a domain that is brand new or quite familiar? And, where, when and how am I learning?
Much more to explore and also to challenge as we explore learning in a wider and wider set of formats.
2. Branding Learning vs. Using Technology Name! I love new technologies. And, we leverage them at The MASIE Center to expand our learning design.
It is very tempting to use the name of the technology, whether it is Jive, SharePoint, Webex, LMS Name or other - as the brand of a learning solution or collaborative set of activities.
It is common to hear a company say we will have a Webex Meeting or we will share that on Jive.
The challenge is that technologies WILL CHANGE! In other words, there will be day when your current provider will change the tech name, be purchased, go out of business or be replaced by a new and better alternative.
Take a moment to look at the Branding of your learning systems and platforms. Consider naming them with an element of your corporate brand or a process focus. For example: Jones Corp. Knowledge Center or Connections Alive.
The other reason to not use the technology brand is that your use of it might be dramatically different from another company using the same tech. Let’s have your brand become part of the learning, knowledge and support culture of your employees’ company.
3. New Curation & Learning LAB: We are proud to announce our popular Curation & Learning LAB will be held in Saratoga Springs from July 16th to 18th. I am honored to facilitate and lead this hands-on exploration of how learners, designers and organizations will optimize the finding, sorting and recommending of content choices to learners.
We will be joined by 5 Chief Learning Officers and learning innovators for interactive video interviews during the LAB. And, each participant will design multiple models of Curation that can be adapted and applied for your workforce back home.
Information and registration at http://www.masie.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie.
Email: emasie@masie.com .
Twitter: @emasie .
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Curation & Learning LAB - July 16 to 18, Saratoga Springs, NY
- Learning 2018 - Nov 4 to 7 - Orlando (Early Registration Now Open)
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Details and Online Registration: https://www.masie.com
Learning TRENDS is produced by The MASIE Center. 95 Washington Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866