995 - LMS with Attitude, Learning Aisles in Department Stores and Generational SMS Adjustment App

Elliott Masie’s Learning TRENDS - April 1 and 2, 2018.
#995 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology Since 1997.
57,931 Readers - www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Diversity & Learning LAB - April 10-12 Saratoga Springs, NY
1. Learning Aisles in Department Stores?
2. An LMS with Attitude - Boring Teachers Are Forgotten!
3. Punctuation and Jargon App for Older Adults
4. A Day Later Note
1. Learning Aisles in Department Stores? Several of the large department stores (e.g. Walmart, Target and JCPenney) are quietly experimenting with adding a Learning Aisle to deal with customers’ desire for knowledge.
It turns out that people, especially parents, are willing to spend significant $$$ on learning, education and knowledge. But, there is no aisle to buy learning or learning services. Plans may include: Assessment Booths (to validate a LinkedIn skill on your resume), eLearning in a box for birthday presents, Career Improvement Packages to use after a poor performance review, and more.
One of the department stores that hires seniors as greeters is evaluating if they can sell coaching minutes at Wizard & Coaching Counters.
2. An LMS with Attitude - Boring Teachers Are Forgotten! When was the last time you met an LMS that could be funny or challenging, or break through your boredom barrier. We remember Teachers with Attitudes. We love to be in a learning situation with a teacher or facilitator that can mix it up and push us a bit. What if the learner could adjust an Attitude Slider on the LMS?
They could add humor, inspiring comments and even a “dig” when the learner didn’t come back to finish a required learning module.
There is research to show we want ATTITUDE from our teachers, our coaches and our on-the-job trainers. What if we could add it to the LMS? Why, we might even buy a $1.99 app to let the LMS resemble one of our heroes. I’d buy an xEinstein-API if I could.
3. Punctuation and Jargon App for Older Adults: One of the generational “differences” is how we approach formatting a SMS or What’s App message.
When I interviewed Michelle Obama at Learning 2017, she talked about how her daughter would get upset because she used a comma or period in a sentence - and thought her mother was mad at her.
While Google has a great translation service online that will convert one language to another instantly, there is no equivalent for SMS writing.
Watch for a Generational Punctuation Translator soon. One could write their message in their familiar format and the reader could then have it add or delete punctuation, insert emoticon faces and even shorten or lengthen a phrase accordingly. It might be coming - LOL!
4. Happy April Fools! For the past 20 years, Learning TRENDS has had fun each April 1st, where many of our readers enjoy celebrating April Fools Day. I would have sent this out on Sunday but it was already pretty busy with April 1, Easter and Passover. So, here is the 2018 Learning TRENDS April 1st Note.
By the way, each of the above items could and maybe even should become true.
Take a minute and send me a quick April Fools Day email to emasie@masie.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie.
Email: emasie@masie.com .
Twitter: @emasie .
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Diversity & Learning LAB - April 10 to 12, Saratoga Springs, NY
- ChatBots & Learning LAB - July 16 to 18, Saratoga Springs, NY
- Learning 2018 - Nov 4 to 7 - Orlando (Early Registration Now Open)
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
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Learning TRENDS is produced by The MASIE Center. 95 Washington Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866