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Learning is Changing - Learning 2018 Update

TO: Learning, Training & Performance Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, Host & Curator

RE: Your Invitation to Learning 2018!

I would like to invite you and your colleagues to participate in Learning 2018, to be held in Orlando, Florida from November 4 to 7, 2018.  Details and Early Registration Discounts:

Learning 2018 Themes, Components and Focus:

  • It’s All About Learning! Learning 2018 will dynamically and interactively explore every aspect of Learning at the Workplace: Design, Formats, Technologies, Engagement, Assessment, and Much More!
  • Learning is Changing! Learners are Changing! Formats & Content are Changing! Learning Analytics are Changing! Business Models are Changing! Our Roles in Learning are Changing!
  • Tech@Learning is Evolving Rapidly!
  • Learning is Global:
  • Learning Professionals Must Be Learners, Too:
  • LearningTowns to Benchmark & Network:
  • Experiment with New Designs:
  • Learning Makes a Difference!
  • Learning is FUN!

Every year, we are honored to produce a high-engagement and high-impact gathering of over 1,800 learning colleagues from around the world. Here is a sample of the Learning 2018 Keynotes, Experiences, Learning LABs, Case Studies, Sessions and Engagement:

Learning 2018 General Sessions:

  • Leslie Odom, Jr. - Star of “Hamilton” and Author of “Failing Up”
  • Dan Pink – Author, “WHEN: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing”
  • Rebecca Stromeyer – “Global eLearning”, Online Educa Berlin, eLearning Africa
  • Real Time Learning LAB – 1,800 Colleagues Delving Into a Shared Problem at Once!
  • Vicki Lau – Immersive, Virtual & Gaming Realities for Learning
  • Andrea Wong – Google, UserExperience Design
  • Richard Culatta – Learning Innovations
  • Rob Lauber, McDonald’s CLO – Archways Tuition Support
  • Nick Van Dam, McKinsey & Company CLO – Shifting Learning Strategies
  • Zenganqi Wang – AI for Education – China Case Studies
  • Kathy Tague, Guardian Life Insurance – Learning Leader
  • Bob Mosher – Digital On-The-Job Learning Models
  • Elliott Masie – Learning Changes! Learners, Design, Tech & Our Roles
  • Plus, 2 More Exciting Keynoters to be Announced Soon!

Learning 2018 Experiences and Activities:

  • 130 Experiences, Sessions & Stories – Learning from Learning Colleagues
  • LearningTowns: Networking by Industry, Interest, or Challenges
  • Global Learning Forum & Senior Learning Benchmarking
  • Showcase Sessions from Leading Learning Suppliers
  • Learning EdTech Innovation Galleries
  • Learning Escape Room
  • Learning Labs
  • 30 Under 30 Learning Leaders
  • Pit Crew Tire Changing Simulation
  • Learning Retreats
  • LearningTV Morning TV Show
  • Special Tuesday Night Celebration/Party at Epcot
  • And Much More! Watch for many more innovations and experiments throughout Learning 2018.

Learning 2018 is celebrating its 28th year as a global gathering of learning colleagues. Innovation and Learning will be everywhere, in authentic conversations with colleagues, experts, innovators and thought leaders – all focused on Learning is Changing!

We look forward to learning & exploring with you at Learning 2018!