Uptown Funk - Norkfolk Police Lip Sync Engagment

TO: Learning Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, Host & Curator
RE: Uptown Funk: Norfolk Police Department Lip Sync Engagement
The Norfolk Police Department is coming to Learning 2018 to receive a Special Engagement Award for their Lip Sync performance of Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk, which has over 50,000,000 views. Check it out:
“The officers and staff of the Norfolk Police Department are an amazing example of how music, creativity, team work, caring, humor, and risk taking can be a powerful tool for engagement. As they lip sync the words to Uptown Funk, you can see and feel the engagement of the wide diversity of the workforce – as well as feel the pride the community of Norfolk must have for its police force,” said Elliott Masie, Host of Learning 2018 and Broadway Producer (The Prom, Kinky Boots, and The Cher Show).
According to Norfolk spokesperson Cpl William Pickering, “We wanted to show the community our primary objective is to protect and serve the community, but we’re not robots. We share a lot of the same interests the community has.”
The leaders of the Norfolk Police Department UpTown Funk Lip Sync team will be featured at Learning 2018. Details: http://www.learning2018.com/norfolk
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